
Judaism And Judaism

Decent Essays

Since the rise of Judaism, Jewish followers have faced an extensive history of exploitation. The cultural and religious practices of Judaism were foreign and unfathomable during this time, especially for other religious groups like Christians. Jews were not necessarily understood and were perceived as being Greedy, wanderers, untrustworthy, and failures (Fermaglich, lecture, 07 September 2017). Ultimately Judaism’s vision was rejected and the followers were unwelcome in the kingdom, leading to the diaspora. Once the dispersal of Jews occurred, they were living in the surrounding areas rather than living within close proximity to one another. Judaism evolved and diversified due to the diaspora, and later immigration. Today, the Jewish religion that used to have one common set of practices now differs between the four sects of the religion. These include Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, and Secular. Although there are distinct religious differences, the branches of Judaism are bound together by the values, traditions, and historical experiences, creating a unified group of people. One difference that falls under the category of traditions among Jews is keeping kosher. Kashruth entails following specific dietary requirements such as not mixing meat and dairy or eating pork and shellfish. (Fermaglich, lecture, 07 September 2017). Although this tradition was originally followed religiously, overtime due to the modernization of Judaism, this has changed depending on the

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