
Karl Marx Outline

Decent Essays

Outline I A. Karl Marx 1. What were the historical circumstances which influenced person’s ideas? • His theories were in response to the altering nature of the workplace that was an outcome from the Industrial Revolution • He believed that history was the story of the class struggle of the lower class against the upper class. He said that proletariats (the workers) would rise up and unite against the bourgeoisie (the capitalists) in revolutions. 2. What changes did the person make on society? • His ideas influenced reform movements throughout Europe • His ideas formed the backbone of many political parties, including the Bolsheviks in Russia and the Chinese and Cuban Revolutions • Wrote a book with Friedrich Engels called The Communist Manifesto. …show more content…

How did the changes brought by the revolution impact society and the world? • Brought out basic change in the relationship between the government and its people • Advanced democracy by recognizing the value and worth of the individual • Created a greater sense of nationalism and patriotism developed • The ideals of social justice, liberty, and democracy from the French Revolution spread throughout Europe • The last of feudalism was abolished B. Glorious Revolution (17th century) 1. Describe the historical circumstances leading up to the revolution • After the death of King Charles II, his brother James II became king • This angered the Parliament because of his pro-catholic actions and his claim to dive right rule • King James II made an attempt to revive Catholicism in England 2. Describe the changes that occurred as a result of the revolution • James II was overthrown • William of Orange and his wife Mary were proclaimed king and queen as James II fled to France • Parliament gained in power and prestige • The parliament passed a Bill of Rights that was signed by the king and queen • King William ended the threat of the English crown reverting to Catholicism 3. How did the changes brought by the revolution impact society and the …show more content…

Renaissance (15th and 16th centuries) 1. Describe the historical circumstances leading up to the revolution • Began with the revival of interest in the cultures of ancient Greece and Rome which stressed human endeavor and human conduct • With increased trading with the East, new and different thoughts, principles, and ideas came into Europe, and a renewed interest in secular education came about. 2. Describe the changes that occurred as a result of the revolution • Many achievements in various fields were made throughout Europe. • Created an emphasis on the individual as a reasoning, thinking, and questioning person • People became more secular and people are exposed to individuality and humanism (the affairs between men and women) • Encouraged a slit from religious based thinking and a focus on things of this world • People began thinking of the present and a movement of humanism occurred 3. How did the changes brought by the revolution impact society and the world? • The Renaissance began spreading to other parts of Europe such as Holland, Germany, France, England and Spain • Inspired for many more achievements to be accomplished in art, literature and science in the

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