
Kim Davis Judge Bunning Summary

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In the case involving Kim Davis and Judge Bunning, I believe Judge Bunning made the correct choice because, Rule of Law must be upheld, Kim’s position in an official government office required she operate indiscriminately, and her actions infringe upon freedoms guaranteed to other U.S citizens. It is because of these three reasons I believe Judge Bunning made the correct assessment regarding the issue brought forth by Kim Davis. Even though I personally disagree with same sex marriage, the law is the law and it must be upheld, Kim’s position as a county clerk requires that she fulfill her duties regardless of her personal opinion. The text book definition of rule of law is simply stated as the restriction of the arbitrary exercise of power by subordinating it to well-defined and established laws. This in laymen’s terms simply means that power is no-longer the ultimate decider, …show more content…

She has to abide by the rules of the office she is working in. not only that but When a public official cannot enforce the law in good conscience, he or she should resign and work to change the law through regular channels. Not refuse to do her job and deny a demographic of peoples their newfound liberties. Though I sympathize with Kim, as an elected official it’s her duty to work for the people who elected her should she wish to see a change in policy, she should have resigned the applied to be reelected stating her ideals beforehand so that people could reelect her into office under a new set of rules. On the flip side, when the people elected her into office, she had no objection to the law of marriage as it existed (between one man and one woman). However a couple of months ago, the Supreme Court changed the legal definition of marriage. Thus changing Kim’s responsibilities. This is when she should have resigned and worked to change the law through regular

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