
Krugman's The Death Of Horatio Alger

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Everyone’s happiness is different, however in America, each person’s difficulty to accomplish it varies as well. Since its creation, the United States promised to be the land of equal opportunity and granted the people their basic human rights. The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness cannot be taken away from anyone in America. However, pursuit of happiness is one thing, achieving it, is another. For many, the American Dream is something that must require many sacrifices, and maybe it will become achievable. For few, they were born in the American Dream, if they choose to grow on it, it would require little effort. Today, success has a sort of favoritism when it comes to what class a citizen may be. Success favors those with a wealthy background, because of the whispered caste system of America.
In Krugman’s “The Death of Horatio Alger”, the author validates the suspicion of the U.S becoming a caste system. Krugman stated that “America looks more and more like a class-ridden society, he based his response off the social and financial …show more content…

Economic inequality has been steadily growing over the past decades. According to this article, “In more recent years, accumulation of wealth by economic elites has received greater attention. Not only are the rich becoming richer, but the disparities are growing the fastest at the top. In the United States, for example, growth in wealth has occurred mainly at the very top of the scale.” (Hansen 457). This means that wealth begins to expand and business owners earn more, however pay more but not a lot more then previously. This would be a good thing, but not everyone in America is a business owner. In fact, the majority of citizens slightly benefited from the growing economy. While most view the economy as unequal, the upper class and even U.S representatives consider it fair and justified (Kraus and Callaghan

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