
Essay on LAW 421 week 2 reflection

Decent Essays

Learning Team Weekly Reflection


University of Phoenix

In Week one of Contemporary Business Law, Team A learned about substantive, procedural, criminal, civil, common, and statutory law. In the reading assignments for week one, we discerned the differences that separate the laws and how the courts enforce the laws. Corporations and businesses are awarded protections under the Amendments to the Constitution of the United States that protect them from fraudulence. The following essay covers Team A interpretation of the different laws and how the laws pertain to corporations, businesses, and our current places of employment. …show more content…

An example of criminal law is OJ Simpson being charged with the murder of his ex-wife. For the same alleged crime, OJ Simpson was taken to civil court by his ex-wife’s family and they sued him for the damages they incurred because of her death. The criminal law amendment of 1885 has been amended several times raising the age of consent for girls when it comes to sexual acts. Back in the 1860’s, the legal age was twelve years old and since then it has been raised to sixteen in 1885 and then to eighteen in most areas of the world. The topics this week hit very close to home with my work experience and were directly relatable to many situations I have come across in the past thirteen years of employment. There is so much fear of people not being honest in this day and age; it makes it very difficult to be a productive member of a work group in the business world.

Common Law and Statutory Law

Common law is the system of laws, which originated and were developed in England, that are “based on court decisions, on the doctrines implicit in those decisions, and on customs and usages rather than on codified written laws” (Melvin, 2011). In other words, common law is law that is made by judges not by the legislature. It is law that is based on court precedent and it evolves over time. Statutory law, which is also referred to as statute law “is written law established by enactments

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