
Lab 2 Performing A Vulnerability Assessment Worksheet Essay

Decent Essays

Assessment Worksheet
Performing a Vulnerability Assessment
CSS150-1502A-02 : Introduction to Computer Security
Course Name and Number: _____________________________________________________
Johnathan McMullen
Student Name: ________________________________________________________________
Stephen Osborne
Instructor Name: ______________________________________________________________

Lab Due Date: ________________________________________________________________
In this lab, you used Nmap commands within the Zenmap application to scan the virtual network and identify the devices on the network and the operating systems and services running on them.
You also used OpenVAS to conduct a vulnerability assessment and record the high risk …show more content…

Who hosts and who sponsors the CVE database listing Web site?
CVE stands for Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures. The Mitre Corporation , under contract with the Department of Homeland Security (sponsor) and the U.S. National Cyber Security
Division (sponsor), is responsible for hosting the CVE database listing web site. The CVE listing is a database of known software vulnerabilities and exposures and how to mitigate them with
5. Can
Zenmap detect which operating systems are present on IP servers and workstations? software patches and updates.

Which option includes that scan?

The –O command enables OS fingerprinting for OS detection.You can also use the –sV command to detect software version and the OS

6. How can you limit the breadth and scope of a vulnerability scan?
You can use a text file, which will list only the hosts detected in the Nmap scan.

7. Once a vulnerability has been identified by OpenVAS, where would you check for more information regarding the identified vulnerability, exploits, and any risk mitigation solution?
The CVE references found at the bottom of the vulnerability table.

8. What is the major difference between Zenmap and OpenVAS?
The second step of the ethical hacking process typically consists of two parts: port scanning and vulnerability assessment. Zenmap (Nmap) is used to perform an initial IP host discovery as well as scan for ports/services. OpenVAS is used to scan for vulnerabilities. It also can perform an audit of Unix,

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