
Large Income Inequality In The United States

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Imagine the cool, refreshing feeling of ice-cold water colliding with the dusty, dry-caked layer of your mouth for the first time after a strenuous day of working in the heat. At your construction job, you and 89 fellow laborers worked on completing the final floor in a sixteen-story building project in Lower Manhattan. After you took a swig of water from the share of the entire worker’s cooler, you returned to the cooler for another small dixie-cup round of water, but nothing came out. Unsatisfied, you looked around for a cool libation to suppress the uncomfortable frustration that started boiling inside of you in the hot, scorching midsummer blaze. You soon found a sense of sympathy when you realized that the guy behind you in line did not even get a single drop of water. In fact, out of the 90 workers, less than one-third of you actually got a single cup of water. After a few moments passed and the mental and physical stress started affecting your production, you gazed off at the building adjacent to your site. You never really payed any attention to the building for the last 8 months, but your eyes started to focus in on the actions of those inside it. The only person you could discern on …show more content…

society, the idea of income inequality is a frequent topic of argument. Many believe that a large income inequality distribution has a negative effect on a society, while others feel that it has very minor, nonexistent, or even positive effect. Some of the factors that affect the income inequality in the United States are low minimum wages, education, and discrimination of race and gender. The swelling income inequality gap in the United States has created numerous social, health, and human capital problems. There is a ton of information to digest regarding who the majority of money is split between and who is actually benefitting from it. There are numerous factors that affect the income inequality and the data associated with the results of it are rather

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