
Legalization Of Drugs

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Nonetheless, does legalization of illegal products, such as drugs, diminish black market activity? James Q. Wilson, a former professor at UCLA and Harvard, stated in one of his columns “Our federal drug laws are irrational,” readers then demanded him that we should solve this problem by legalizing drugs (Wilson). It would be so simple and easy if the legalization of drugs could only work to solve our nation’s black market drug problem. However, this has not worked in any of the cases that have been tried. In Colorado, where marijuana is legal, growers were growing marijuana and shipping it to other states where it is illegal. Even though it is legal in nine states, these growers are still selling it on the black market to avoid the legal regulation …show more content…

Our Government should not legalize illegal black market drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine because it does not diminish the black market’s drug organization, it only makes it easier for them to not get caught and easier for the population to access these drugs.
If legalization of dangerous drugs such as cocaine, methamphetamine, and heroin occurs, they will become cheaper to buy and that will make it so much easier for users to get the product. Now if illegal drugs became legal and the price becomes cheaper, anybody could get these highly dangerous drugs. Many of the American population would oppose this idea because it is a possible harm to their lives and others. While the black market sells these chemicals for more money, the prices there are also becoming cheaper. Moreover, many who think that legalization will stop the black market from selling products because the price is lower is wrong, that is not the case. In Colorado, marijuana growers were caught selling marijuana to people in states where the drug is illegal. They do this to avoid the

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