
Legalization On Drugs

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America is at war with drugs. Since drug use has become an epidemic in America, the government now has an extremely strict drug policy in effect. Some Americans deem the policy to be inefficient and as a result would like to banish drug laws completely. In contrast others find the strict policy to be an effective strategy in the war against drugs. Since the war on drugs has become a huge crisis in American society, one day Americans will have to decide whether or not they support the legalization of drugs. Those who do and do not want to legalize drugs both use government spending, mandatory sentencing, and civil liberties to argue their side on either policy. Many Americans believe that legalizing drugs would reduce the government’s deficit, …show more content…

Those who want the legalization believe that American prisons are overpopulated because of the mandatory minimum sentencing laws. Mandatory sentencing laws put those deemed as drug criminals in prison for a mandated set amount of time. The laws were originally intended for putting high level dealers and drug lords in prison. Though most charges were given to low level dealers and users. In fact 82.3% of all drug arrests are for possession only. As a result federal prisons are flooded with non-violent drug related crimes. Consequently the population of women in prison has increased by 400% (Drug Legalization). However those who oppose legalization argue that mandatory sentencing is effective, regardless of prison populations. The goal of mandatory sentencing is to rid society of drug trafficking and the violent crimes that come with the territory (Avergun). Since mandatory sentencing has been put into effect, many dealers and users have been incarcerated in federal prison (Drug Legalization). Since the new mandatory sentences offer a certainty in harsh punishment, drug dealers are given the options to either quit dealing all together or to begin taking higher precautions when making risks with their business. Additionally, the law provides a way for the government to discover more information about other drug criminals by …show more content…

The Americans that do not oppose drug legalization stand firm on the belief that choosing to use drugs is a personal choice that one should not be punished for. If one does choose to do drugs it is a lifestyle choice that they have chosen and locking someone away in federal prison for simply living a certain lifestyle seems to be an unfair punishment. Those fighting for legalization think that drug use should be a civil liberty (Drug Legalization). Former Seattle Chief of Police, Norm Stamper, stated “in declaring a war on drugs... we’ve declared a war on our fellow citizens” (qtd. in Drug Legalization). Many of the American’s wanting drugs legalized, do believe that the choice to do drugs is a bad decision. Though they argue that there are many Americans that have experimented with drugs and no one should be sent to federal prison for simply making a bad decision (Johnson). As well as those who are for drug legalization, those against it also believe that doing drugs is a lifestyle choice, but not a civil liberty and those who do choose to do drugs should be punished. If drugs were legalized they would be much more present, which would most likely lead to more drug abuse. Drug abusers not only hurt themselves, but they hurt their families, friends, communities, and the American society as a whole (Drug Legalization). Drug abuse takes tolls on the health and wellbeing of the user

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