
Life is Harder for Boys in Donna LaFramboise's Essay, Roll Back The Red Carpet for Boys

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Roll Back The Red Carpet for Boys 1. The allusion of the red carpet refers to the red carpet treatment that is given to hosts of considerable status. Nowadays, red carpets are literally rolled out for functions with celebrities and movie stars alike. 2. In her essay, LaFramboise delivers a powerful and thought provoking message about the untrue belief that society has lead us to believe. That is, that males have an easier “red carpet,” like experience in life. 3. When LaFramboise writes, “Girls are victims of circumstance and boys are masters of their own fate. Girls are moulded and manipulated by the social pressures; boys make conscious choices. Girls get to blame everyone but themselves; everyone gets to blame boys. Wasn't feminism supposed to be about abolishing double standards? She is connoting at the clear double standards that have been placed on males. Stating that girls are not held responsible for their own decisions and faults, rather an external source of control is to blame. However, males are solely responsible for their own flaws. 4. a) An example of statistics is the statement “Between the ages of 15 and 24, they take their lives five times as often.” b) “As adults, males are more likely to be homeless...twice as likely to be robbed or murdered, nine times more likely to be killed in an occupational accident.” The source of these statistics is unknown, therefor we

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