
Lipids And The Proteins Of Lipids

Decent Essays

Lipids are part of a group of molecules which consist of fats, sterols, vitamins, phospholipids and others.
We can find in our cell membrane glycerol-phospholipids (phospholipids), which are part of the lipid bilayer. The phospholipids can be found in biological membranes and their main function is to bind proteins from the outside to the inside of cell membrane.
The structure of phospholipids is:

The phospholipids have 2 fatty acids and 2 long CH2 chains which are attached to a glycerol top.
The glycerol has a phosphate group which is hydrophilic –‘attracted to water’ complete opposite to the fatty acids chain which is hydrophobic – ‘scared of water’.
The glycerol is an alcohol which is an organic compound with hydroxyl …show more content…

In general lipids are known as fats, and even though the normal idea in society that fats aren’t good for our body that isn’t always true. Fats can be of extreme help, our body uses fats to produce energy and protect us.
Lipids will come into work and store energy if a large number of unneeded fats are consumed; they will store the calories in adipose cells and release them again when necessary such as while exercising.
Another way fats are helpful to our body is in order to protect us; lipids use fats to isolate our body to maintain our balanced temperature also it can be found surrounding our main organs (kidneys and heart) serving as protection in case of injuries.
Last but not least our body uses lipids while digesting food; here lipids will support the body absorbing nutrients. The bile acids in our liver will allow the mixture of water and fats in order to break down and absorb food which will later on be ‘translated’ into vitamins and used to maintain our vision and blood correct levels.

DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid
DNA is composed by a double helix structure. In this structure we can find a phosphate group, a deoxyribose and a nitrogenous base.
DNA as we know is a molecule which carries our genetic material; this will have all the coded information necessary of our

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