
Little Brother Right To Privacy Quotes

Decent Essays

Marcus, Darryl, Vanessa, and Jose skip school to play their Internet-based scavenger hunt game. As they are looking for their next clue, terrorists attack the Bay Bridge and the BART. Darryl gets stabbed and all four friends are taken by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Marcus Yallow is a 17-year-old hacker from San Francisco. Marcus gets accused of hacking into the school’s system by Vice Principal Frederick Benson. Marcus and Darryl meet up with Vanessa and Jolu to play their scavenger hunt game. A series of explosions go off in the city Darryl gets stabbed and three men get out of a vehicle and put bags over each group member's' head and then shove them into the vehicle. Marcus and his friends arrive at the …show more content…

It’s about doing something private. It’s about your life belonging to you. They were taking that from me, piece by piece.” This quote supports one of the main themes in the book “Little Brother”, the right to privacy. Marcus, as an American citizen has a right to his privacy and the people of DHS are taking that right from him. “The severe haircut woman” forces Marcus to tell all his passwords for all his devices. The DHS had no proof and no right to blame Marcus for the terrorist attack. In the quote, Marcus is talking about how the DHS is invading his privacy. This is why I chose this quote. “Skipping school isn't a crime. It's an infraction. They're totally different.” In this quote, Marcus is telling us how skipping school isn’t a major crime, it’s just a small violation but if Marcus hadn’t skipped school that day, maybe he wouldn’t have been captured by the DHS. The small infraction of skipping school cost Marcus six days of being interrogated by the DHS. He lost his privacy. If he wouldn’t have skipped school that day, maybe Darryl wouldn’t have been stabbed and maybe Darryl wouldn’t have been lost either. Marcus lied to his parents about where he was when he was captured by the DHS. Maybe skipping school isn’t a big crime, but lying isn’t a good thing and once his parents get to know the truth, they may not trust him anymore and maybe they won’t even believe if he’s telling the truth about whether

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