
Little John Robin Hood Quotes

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“He is a right good man and true.” Little John was Robin Hood’s right hand man. He was the opposite of little, but Robin Hood and his Merry Men changed his name to Little John from John Little, out of good humor. Little John, from the Merry Adventures of Robin Hood by: Howard Pyle, changed from the weight gained from eating too much food, because Little John ate too much and became fat, and since he was fat, he could not fight as well, he changed from conflict, by the fight against Robin Hood, and the fight against the Tanner, and also from injuries by the fight against Robin Hood and Robin Hood's death. Little John grew fat from eating too much, so he could not fight as well. “What with hunting and hawking a little, and eating rich dishes and drinking good sack, and sleeping until late hours in the morning, he grew fat as a stall fed ox.” This quote was chosen because because it shows Little John’s routines at the sheriff's place. “But Little John suffered the most, for he had become unused to such stiff labor, and his joints were not supple as they had been before he went to dwell with the Sheriff. This quote proves that Little John couldn’t fight as well as he could have fought before he went to the …show more content…

“Here and there were sore bones and bumps.” Later in the book Robin Hood and Little John became close friends. Little John and Robin Hood’s Merry Men were all very upset when Robin Hood died. “Up the stone stair they ran, and a great sound of weeping was presently heard. After a while this ceased, and then came the scuffling and shuffling of men’s feet as they carried a heavy weight down the steep and winding stairs. So they went forth from the nunnery, and, as they passed through the doors thereof, a great, loud sound of wailing arose from the glade that lay all dark in the downing,as though many men, hidden in the shadows, had lifted up their voices in

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