
Live Deal Inc. Five Day Stock Analysis

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Live Deal Inc. Five Day Stock Analysis Live Deal Inc. (ticker-LIVE) stock price and performance like all publicly traded stocks can be found in countless finance and trading information websites. The analysis reviews LIVEs five day stock performance in search of stock price and volume behavior and/or patterns as a result of publicly available information and/or insider information. Unable to meet the assignments original requirement due to a lack of positive stock surprises for the trading week of 12/26/14 to 01/02/15, the analysis focuses on negative stock surprises. In doing so, the analysis takes into consideration and use of the efficient market Hypothesis (EMH), irrational trading behavior, and technical analysis to identify trading patterns within the five day chart.
Efficient Markets Under the idea that markets are efficient, stock prices reflect new information quickly and accurately. Furthermore, Morningstar (n.d.) contributes details on the strongest supportive theory of efficient markets, EMH exists in three forms: weak, semi-strong and strong. The hypothesis calls for the existence of informationally efficient markets, were current stock prices reflect all information, and attempts to outperform the market will only come in the form of riskier investments. Also, because of a large number of independent investors actively analyzing new information simultaneously as it enters the market, investors react accordingly and is immediately reflected in the stock

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