
London Riots

Decent Essays

In this essay, I will be proposing a suitable research method to identify the causes of the 2011 London Riots that took place between the 6th August and the 10th August, which resulted in lawlessness – chaos, looting, arson, attacks, etc. My aim is to determine why the riots happened, so that such violence can be prevented in the future. I will do this using scientific methodology and choose the most appropriate method for my research. Firstly, a summary of the Experimental Method. It originates from a research question, but you could say the idea behind the question is derived from intuition. This leads to a hypothesis, which is “the initial building block in the scientific method.” Source: (Bradford, A. (2015) - A hypothesis …show more content…

In spite of this, there is a chance that purposeful sampling can also produce biased results – there is a “high probability of researcher bias, as each sample is based entirely on the judgement of the researcher in question, who generally is trying to prove a specific point (their hypothesis). For this reason, researchers need to strive to make decisions based on accepted criteria, not on what will best support their theory.” Source: (Wilkinson, B. – …show more content…

It is used to find out people’s views and opinions on matters, instead of holding experiments or using comparisons. It is a way of “collecting data and analysing it to draw a conclusion.” Source: (Research Methods in Psychology – There are a few different types of survey methods, one of them being questionnaires. Questionnaires can be printed onto paper, then handed out to people and posted through their doors, or they can be accessible through the internet – sent to people via email or completed as an online questionnaire. An advantage of this is “it allows minimal contact between the researcher and the participant.” The telephone surveys or the web surveys are more convenient for participants to complete, in the comfort of their own home, or on the go, as long as they are very brief, with only a few questions asked. However, it is very easy to lie or exaggerate, especially if you’re not directly in the presence of the interviewer. This is where face-to-face interviews come in – a direct way of obtaining information, with the interviewer asking the participant questions. Also, if you are using random sampling, you can easily select and ask random people on the road to take part in your survey, avoiding

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