
Longevity Hotspot

Decent Essays

As a DSC student, I give my word that this work is my own and that I have neither given nor received unauthorized help. __X__ I agree Caleb Thompson STEP 1: 1. A longevity hotspot where more people live long and healthy lives in their community. 2. The five areas are: a. Okinawa, Japan i. Some of Okinawa’s secrets, are their importance of life (life of purpose), and their healthy tofu. Their tofu is high in protein, low in fat, has many minerals, and contains phytoestrogens (which are proven to lower the risk of getting heart diseases). b. Loma Linda, California i. Loma Linda is a blue zone, because of the religion in this location. They observe the Sabbath and enjoy 24 hours stress free, and they also do not drink or smoke (these two …show more content…

The second concept is to know your meaning and purpose in life. A good example of this would be religion. I personally am a Christian, and I believe that a Christian’s purpose “is to glorify God, and fully to enjoy him forever.” (Larger Catechism) Furthermore, the website suggested that we find out our likes and gifts in our lives, and incorporate them into your life’s meaning. Another example would be that I play the piano. I have been playing the piano for 11 years, and I plan to use that in my life whether I get a degree in music or not. c. The third concept is to “Down Shift.” This basically means that you should find ways to relieve your stress, since they can lead to diseases or complications in life. Each blue zone has their own way of relaxing, but what those activities are don’t matter. It’s the concept that you are doing something that is relaxing. If you enjoy walking on the beach to relieve stress, then walk on the beach when you get the chance. Just do something that makes you feel at ease and isn’t …show more content…

Buettner states that changing the environment and getting political views to help promote lifestyle change is a good solution. Contrary to people going to gyms and paying for diets that don’t benefit them. 5. Buettner believes that doing several things can help with obesity. For example, don’t just focus on diets. You should diet and exercise to try and lose weight. There isn’t just one magic solution basically. STEP 5: 1. Environment. In environment, you could make more sidewalks or places to travel by foot. That way, you’re not relying on your car to go 2 miles away from home. Instead, try being active. 2. Volunteer. Find opportunities in your local community to gather together and help your environment. There will always be trash and litter to pick up. 3. Workplace. Businesses are now trying to promote healthier lifestyles at their workplace. They are also looking to try and help employees make better lifestyle choices and become stress free. 4. Easy. Try and make it easier for people to make the right decision. Maybe have local health food stores or sell local farm grown vegetables and fruits. 5. Social. Try and get together with people in your community. It’s good to find people to spend time with and enjoy healthy lifestyle

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