
Looking At Cloud Computing From The Perspective Of Security

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The first scenario that will be examined is looking at Cloud Computing from the perspective of security. Many small and medium sized businesses utilize the internet and Cloud Computing to conduct business and transfer money from system to system as well as report on financial accounting data. With that being the case, it is crucial that whatever system the business is working with pays very close attention to security needs to ensure that this data is protected from unauthorized sources viewing or manipulating it. When discussing security issues it is important to note that there are responsibilities that both the provider of the data must conform to and then there are responsibilities that the user must also conform to. The …show more content…

Public cloud providers will often have more responsibility for enhancing the security of the data and applications. Within the financial industry data breaches, application vulnerabilities, and availability are all important issues that can lead to legal liabilities. With public clouds, when a customer chooses to house their information in this way they lose the physical access to their servers hosting that data. The cloud provider itself has physical access, and the vulnerability that this exposes are insider attacks. An insider attack would be when an employee of the cloud provider accesses data that they should not. Cloud providers need to ensure that their hiring policies involve stringent background checks and that all data centers have monitoring to ensure that suspicious activity is caught early. This is not very different from private networks, however. Businesses that store sensitive information must also ensure that the employees that have access to the data have strict background checks run on them and that their data is monitored to prevent suspicious activities from becoming a data breach. The primary difference in these scenarios are that the customer has no direct control over this type of insider breach over a public cloud and is dependent on the cloud provider. There is also the issue of protecting the data itself. These are not simple and provide

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