
Lynn Stout's Arguments Against Shareholder Primacy

Satisfactory Essays

Lynn Stout’s argument against shareholder primacy
The idea of shareholder primacy dominates the business world today. An article from Harvard's school of business stated that shareholder primacy is so prevalent in the business to the mistaken fact that many individuals feel as though shareholders run the company from behind the scenes.This belief drives higher ups to run public firms with the great focus on raising the stock price. In the hope of maximizing shareholder value, this executive will sell key assets, fire loyal employees, and pressure the workforce that remains. Many individual directors and executives, Such as Lynn Stout, feel uneasy about these kinds of methods, stating that "a single-minded focus on share price may not serve the interests of society, the company, or shareholders themselves." The goal of this essay shows how and why Lynn Stout among other executives of corporate entities disagree with the idea of shareholder primacy.
In her book “The Shareholder Value Myth,” Stout challenges the ideas of shareholder primacy splitting the argument into two broad parts. Part I traces the origins of shareholder-primacy thinking. It states that shareholder primacy …show more content…

Stout also raises the idea that shareholders are not a hive mind with the same thoughts but instead are unique individuals whom only hold stock in the company and do not run it behind the scenes. Some shareholders only own this stock to sell when prices are high while others have a long-term interest and want to see the company succeed. Some investors worry how the company's outcome will affect their other investments. Others may be unconcerned with the companies issue and have no other investments. Finally, some investors may be willing to sacrifice profit to ensure to corporation acts in an ethical way, while other may pursue profit regardless of any moral

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