
M. W Patient Case

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M.W Patient is a 40-year old African-American female, 20 weeks gestation by LMP/sonogram presenting for pre-natal visit with headaches. She has had headaches for the past few days. She reports that she has been generally in good health and denies any previous major illness, injuries and hospitalizations.
Medical History and Physical Examination M.W’s weight and BMI were 210 and 34.9 respectively. Her vital sign readings were as follows: temperature 96oF, blood pressure 140/80 mm Hg, pulse 82 bpm, and respiration 18bpm. She appeared in good condition, but a little anxious because of the headaches. After completing the normal pre-natal check-up and routine tests, M.W. was interviewed regarding nature of the headaches and when it started. According …show more content…

Laboratory tests were ordered to allow for an appropriate diagnosis. A chemistry panel test and a complete blood count (CBC) with platelets were ordered. A 24-hour urinary protein test was also ordered. Chemistry panels are groups of tests performed on a blood sample that can be used to determine a person’s general health status. For the chemistry panel, a comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP) was done. The 24-hour urinary protein test was ordered in order to obtain a measurement of the protein released in urine over a 24-hour period. The urine tests did not reveal a significant amount of protein in the urine, but the CMP showed the likelihood of hypertension. After further review, M.W. was diagnosed with mild gestational hypertension, a form of pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH). Gestational hypertension is a condition that is characterized by high blood pressure during pregnancy. If it is not properly monitored, it can lead to serious complications such as pre-eclampsia (AP, 2015).
Plan and …show more content…

M.W was given the following recommendations on a daily basis:
• Use calcium supplementation to reduce the risk of high blood pressure in her pregnant condition.
• Take a blood pressure a minimum of three times daily in the least stressful environment using a home device.
• Rest lying down on the left side to take the weight of the baby off her major blood vessels.
• Consume less salt and drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water daily
• Use salt as needed for taste
• Exercise regularly and elevate feet several times during the day
• Avoid drinking alcohol and beverages containing caffeine
• Increase daily protein-intake and reduce the amount of fried foods and junk food.
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