
Marginal Cost Vs Marginal Benefit

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Marginal benefit is plain and simple a gain you receive for doing something. Running a baby sitting service could be a marginal benefit because the more parents that use you to baby sit their child the more money you make. Marginal benefits however do have two limiting key factors and one being the market that you enter into. If you are in a popular market that has multiple people offering the same service it could lead to issues with making money. To attract more customer, you would possibly have to lower your prices while still offering the same services. The other limiting factor is how many babies could you baby sit at once. You may want all the money in the world, but there’s a maximum number that your body and mind can handle responsibly. …show more content…

Marginal cost is the additional cost the you incur while producing an additional unit. To put this into context, it makes cost a certain amount to produce a car, but in order to keep making money you have to produce more than one car. Marginal cost asks the question how much would it cost to produce the second car. According to Chron the marginal cost for the first few units will unfortunately be much high, but will decrease as you produce more and more

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