
Mark Twain's The Awful German Language

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Mark Twain’s essay, “The Awful German Language”, is a jocular expression of the average english speaker’s foray into the work of the German language. Twain uses humor and hyperbole to express his difficulties and frustrations that one experiences when trying to learn to speak German. Mark Twain is seen as something of a god in American literary history and his mastery of the english language is apparent, even in this work describing his experiences with another language. Twain states “A person who has not studied german can form no idea of what a perplexing language it is.” (Pg. 1). While Twain’s arguments are charming and incredibly clever, and those learning german can (in their inevitable moments of dire frustration) most certainly relate, the truth is more simple. Learning any new language is a difficult task, but with dedication and …show more content…

Twain treats us to his initial thoughts of the “…slipshop and systemless, and so slippery and elusive” (P. 1) German language, he continues by talking about which parts of the language he finds most preposterous. The indecipherable genders of nouns, the phenomena of separable verbs, the four cases and even pluralizing words fall into his purview and are criticized for being too abstract and confounding for a language. He uses the “Tale of the Fishwife and It’s Sad Fate” (Pg. 5) as a rather extreme example of the harshness of the language. By replacing nouns with their pronouns by gender in english, the reader can see why Twain finds the language quite so ridiculous. Word placement and parenthetical seems to irk him quite badly, stating that it reminds him of “… a dentist who secure your instant and breathless interest in a tooth by taking grip of it with the forceps, and then stand there and drawl through a tedious anecdote before they give the dreaded jerk.” (Pg. 3). After he has compared the language to having a tooth pulled and called it absurd, on top of a variety of colorful and not so kind words and

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