
Marketing Analysis : Marketing And Logistics Essay

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Logistics basically related to four main marketing efforts, which are price, promotion, product and place.
Price means the price of shipping cost, different distribution plan would have influences on the cost of shipping. Marketing and logistics group should cooperate to set a balanced between the product price and the shipping cost because shipping large volume usually have better discount for the transportation company.
Promotion obviously will put pressure on the logistics department, depends on “push” and “pull” method, the inventory might be out of stock in promotion because the market sometime is hard to predict.
Product itself would also have a big influence on logistics, because of the requirement of sale, the design of the product’s package and itself would have impacts on the inventory and transportation efficiency. For example, some product design need big shipping package for protection which will waste space on pallets and truck.
The place decision is also important for logistics and marketing, dealing with different partner would have big differences on transportation. Retailers usually have frequent and small quantity order; its insufficient lead time would cause high price transportation when there is stock shortage, but wholesale often have large quantity order and more stable demand.
b) What are the different types of utility, and how does logistics directly or indirectly affect each one?
There are five types of utility which form, time, place, quantity

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