
Marketing Analysis : Old Spice Commercial Essay

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This paper will analyze the claims made by Old Spice in a commercial selling their line of body washes for men. It will break down each claim and the support behind those claims as well as the warrants and assumptions tied to both. It will consider each of Aristotle’s three appeals individually and consider Old Spices intentions and use of each in the advertisement in question. Lastly, it will observe for potential logical fallacies with consideration to the implications this ad has towards consumerism.

Old Spice Commercial Analysis
Advertising is the art of arresting the human intelligence just long enough to get money from it.” (Shah, 2012) The goal of advertising is to capture their target audience’s attention and to create something memorable to sell their product. One advertisement campaign that has managed to do this quite well is Old Spice a men’s body wash brand that is among the top competitors. Successful advertisement is what creates a brand, even if you have a great product without good advertisement a product cannot be successful. In the advertisement campaign for Old Spice Men’s body wash the advertiser uses sexual appeal geared toward the female demographic, and the use of false cause to play on men’s insecurities of to convince viewers to buy their product.
Toumin Method
Claims and Evidence
The Advertisement has a clear claim, by using this product you can look, smell, and be just like the actor on your television

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