
Marketing Challenges of Green Technologies Inc

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MARKETING CHALLENGES GREEN PRODUCT PROMOTION. Dear Mr._______: As the head of New Product Positioning and Development at Green Technologies, Inc., I have been researching the untapped marketing opportunities for one of your successful product lines: namely, your Shape Up line. We believe that there is an untapped market segment for your excellent product in connection with our renewable energy focus, or "green" technology. Specifically, we believe that your existing Shape Up product line could be marketed as a means of contributing to the reduction of energy waste and fossil fuel consumption. Since a large proportion of your customer base falls within the demographic segment of those most concerned with environmentalism and energy conservation, we believe that adding this component to your marketing strategy could prove tremendously beneficial. The marketing initiative that we envision would position your product as an energy-saving alternative to other means of exercising that represent a much greater, and entirely unnecessary, expenditure of energy. The smaller aspect of energy savings would be the direct energy use associated with relying on electrically powered aerobic trainers, which could be eliminated by the more natural approach to exercising outdoors using your product. More importantly, the larger aspect of energy savings would be the indirect energy consumption wasted by driving automobiles to health clubs just to exercise on aerobic machines

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