
Marketing Plan

Better Essays

Compact Nutribullet Pro
1-Year Marketing Plan
Student Name: Catherine O’Brien
Student ID: 000296377
Date: July 18, 2015
Student Mentor Name: Janie Cromcack

Table of Contents

Introduction 3
Product Description and Classification 3 Product Support of Mission Statement……………………………………………………………………………………………….….3
Consumer Product Classification 3
Target Market 3
Competitive Situation Analysis 4
Analysis of Competition using Porter’s Five Forces Model 4
SWOT Analysis 4
Strengths and Core Competencies 5
Weaknesses 5
Opportunities 6
Threats 6
Market Objectives 6
Product Objective 7
Price Objective 7
Place Objective 7
Promotion Objective 7
Marketing Strategies and Implementation 7
Product Strategies 7
Price Strategies 8 …show more content…

Target Market
There are over 1.1 million men and woman amateur and pro bodybuilders alone in the United States. The IFBB has competitors age ranges from as young as 16 years to as old as 83 within a range categories for competition, The NutiBullet Pro is a necessary tool to assist the competitors in preparing for competitions fulfilling a need for a quick, convenient and easy way for bodybuilders to create their protein shakes, whey smoothies or one of their required 6 to 7 meals a day.
Competitive Situation Analysis
Analysis of Competition using Porter’s Five Forces Model

Competitive Rivalry: The Magic Bullet and the Ninja appear is the only competitive rival. If you want to even consider them as rivals
Potential New Entrants: Currently there does not appear to be any potential new entrants that can come up against the NutriBullet is continuously improving its products and adding new products to the line for a healthier lifestyle
Bargaining Power of Buyers: The Buyers and suppliers do not have an impact on the purchasing of the product. NutriBullet is widely distributed and

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