
Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy

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The article, Effect of Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy on Offspring's Cognitive Ability: Empirical Evidence for Complete Confounding in the US National Longitudinal Survey of Youth , written by three gentlemen: G. David Batty, Geoff Der and, Ian J. Deary addressed the impact on prenatal health by mothers that smoke cigarettes and the impact on infant development through young adulthood. There were numerous studies that reported maternal cigarette smoking during pregnancy related to lower IQ scores in offspring. Prenatal development stages are three stages of about 36 weeks, during this time the mothers that were smoking lead to major structural abnormalities. Smoking tobacco can have serious consequences, such as miscarriage, prematurity, …show more content…

945). The study participants ages were from 5 and 14 years. These individuals were characterized for an extensive range of potentially confounding socioeconomic, and behavioral variables. This cohort study effects the most common threat to longitudinal findings of individuals born in the same time period are influenced by particular sets of historical and cultural conditions (Berk p. 37). The recorded results on three subtests: mathematics, reading comprehension, and reading recognition were then analyzed. Another IQ test used in this study was the Maternal IQ that assessed patients by using the Armed Forces Qualifications Test. The population of the study was composed of young people aged between 14 and 21 years on January 1, 1979. Selected groups, such as black, hispanic, poor, white and military people were oversampled. The children that were being observed at this time to be “young adult” aged offspring in order to be observed at adult age. The study participants were resurveyed annually until 1994 and biennially there after. Mothers reported their cigarette smoking as number of packs of 20 cigarettes smoked per day during pregnancy categorized as none, 2 packs(Batty, Der, Deary …show more content…

Each level of ecological systems theory was impacted in articulate ways starting with the microsystem where the child has already been influenced by their immediate family and exposing the infant to cigarette smoke from pregnancy to early adulthood. When glancing at the mesosystem the child-care center or school was more rural and less opportunistic due to the sample studied. Many of children lived in families that had extended family of the ecosystem used tobacco which added stress impacted the development mentally and physically. The mothers that smoke effect the macrosystem of their child by laying the ground work for values, customs and laws. The parents have the values and morals to expose the children to second hand smoke therefore the child can grow to believing this to be the norm and expose their children to smoke. Another theory addressed in this article is behaviorism and social learning theory in that the mothers smoking cigarettes in this study reinforced the modeled behavior that smoking is criterion in society and therefore the child would likely pick up on the same habit. In addition, Ethology and evolutionary developmental psychology that in this article In sensitive periods, early experiences set the course of later development like intelligence. Learning that there is a deficit between the IQ of children that have mothers who smoked during

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