
Maumelle Narrative

Decent Essays

Once I lived in Maumelle. When we moved there my Mom said, “ This is going to be the place where we spend the rest of your childhood.” Me (Lilly Hartman) and my brother (Wilson Hartman) was excited to spend it here in Maumelle. It was a wonderful place. We lived in a one story house and with a dog named Katie and a Cat named Sassy, and for some time a fish named Benson. Our house was one on the corner of the street so we had the biggest yard on the street. It was Absolutely Wonderful. One day in the Spring I was sitting on the couch with Wilson when a family Meeting was called to order. At first I was thinking that they were just kidding with me, but then I saw Andrew’s (My step Dad) eyes and I knew this was serious. We were just told …show more content…

We were doing all of our tasks perfectly fine now. But, it was time for another family meeting……. we were going to move in two weeks. Disbelief at first, then sadness, then anger, then sadness again. We were moving to Greenbrier. I have been there thousands of times because we lived in Damascus before Maumelle. Mom said this was an opportunity to find your old friends. This was true, but what about my friends that I have now? The day that we packed to go was sad. Sassy was in a cage outside looking scared, and Katie was tied to a tree barking at the moving crew. All the while I was locked in my Mom’s car. Wilson was sniffing, starting to cheer up while he played with his toy cars. Once we were on the highway, there was no turning around. I watched the buildings pass by through the window while I pet Katie, she always seemed to cheer me up. I looked at her brown puppy-dog eyes and it seemed as though she was smiling at me… weird. We were arriving at my new home when I realized it was right next to Eastside Elementary, my old school. I got out of the car when I saw one of my old friends across the street, waving at me. I smiled. She got invited over to the moving party, and we played outside making mud pies and riding in Wilsons miniature

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