
Measurement Of Cost Behavior And Cost Management

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Measurement of Cost Behavior
Cost accounting may be regarded as one of the key aspects of most organizations. Lack of proper analysis and accounting for costs would bring detrimental effects on the profitability and the general financial position of an organization. However, one of the essential activities that costs accountants have to engage in is the measurement of cost behavior. Cost behavior involves finding out how costs are affected or altered when there is a change in the level of organizational activities ("What is cost behavior? | AccountingCoach", 2016). It is common to hear cases where managers have made poor decisions such dropping product lines or overbidding on services because of erroneous cost behavior information. While most institutions have been pushed into dire straits due to poor decision making or harsh economic downturns, Central Michigan University has enhanced its financial stability through its accountants who ensure appropriate measurement of cost behavior. Currently, it is among the most outstanding and stable schools with a compelling financial position.
Measuring cost behavior enables cost accountants to understand and quantify how an institution’s activities impact its costs. The information obtained from the cost accountants could be used by managers to make plausible decisions such as evaluating strategic and operational improvement programs, making appropriate short-term pricing and operating decisions, and planning and budgeting on the

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