
Michael Gazzaniga Accomplishments

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Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen. Psychology, the study of behavior and mind, serves an important role in everyone’s lives. Many people made great discoveries that changed the field of psychology forever, and those people deserve recognition for their groundbreaking findings. One psychologist who improved lives and made a major discovery is Dr. Michael Gazzaniga. For his achievements, he deserves a spot in the Psychology Hall of Fame. First of all, his research shows how the brain enables the mind and behavior. He is responsible, with the help of Roger Sperry, for initiating the human split-brain research where he cut the corpus callosum, the tissue connecting the two hemispheres of the brain. The left hemisphere deals with language and speech …show more content…

They also have trouble learning to perform new tasks that require interdependent movement of each hand, like playing the piano. This finding helped conclude that the corpus callosum helps in transfer of information and it is the co-ordination between the two hemispheres that lets us perform activities smoothly. The split of the two hemispheres ultimately made it so you cannot access information the other side of the brain controls. Now, Gazzaniga works at University of California, Santa Barbara teaching psychology so he can pass on knowledge to his students. Gazzaniga and his team of researchers are testing information transfer using a MEG, which maps the brain activity by recording magnetic fields produced by electrical currents in the brain. Unlike split-brain surgery these techniques are non-invasive. He has made many books explaining his work and making information about brain function more accessible to the public. Gazzaniga deserves to be in the Hall of Fame due to his amazing contribution to psychology, his continued efforts in the field, and his willingness to share his findings to educate

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