
Microsoft's Corporate Level Strategy: Related Diversification

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Microsoft's corporate-level strategy: Related diversification Microsoft is a highly diversified company. Its technologically-related products span from software to music players to game consoles to web browsers to search engines to phones. However, its flagship product, the product which has been the primary driver of its profits has been Microsoft Windows, the ubiquitous operating system that runs on virtually every computer in the world. Windows has been deemed so critical that even Microsoft's competitor Apple was effectively forced by market pressures to allow its Macs to run Windows, in an effort to boost sales. "As astounding as Apple's success has been, it hasn't put a dent in the Microsoft Office monopoly. [Current CEO] Ballmer and company still profit on every Macbook running Word, Excel and PowerPoint" (Greg 2012).But while Microsoft continues to make its highly profitable Windows products (despite industry criticism about its user features); it has struggled to diversify in its many critical areas, most notable in its music, phones, and Internet service. Microsoft's struggles might seem somewhat perplexing, given its stunning success with Windows and the fact that it seems to have pursued a 'related linked' diversification strategy of primarily concentrating on products 'linked' to technology. It has not acquired businesses that are fundamentally anathema to its core product. "Companies' implements related diversification strategies in order to achieve and

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