
Minimum Drinking Age

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United States is one of the few countries in the world with drinking age over twenty one years. In a country where eighteen years olds are allowed to vote, are allowed smoke, are allowed buy guns, are considered as adults and moreover are drafted in the military where they put their lives in danger for the safety of all of the citizens of this country, however, they are too immature to drink. All the adults should have the right to drink alcohol, and it should be legal for a person who is ready to take care of the country by not just being in military, but by voting in election, making choices that are best for him and the country, to drink when he is eighteen years of age. The United States is one of only four developed countries …show more content…

the only way to find if one option is better than other is through comparison. If we compare the drinking habits of eighteen to twenty years old Americans to the habits of European youth, you will find that European countries where most minimum drinking laws are 18 years of age tend to drink alcohol in a safer amount and in a safer way than United States, where minimum drinking age is 21 years of age. . According to the World Health Organization “while 15 and 16 year-old teens in many European states, where the drinking age is 18 or younger, have more drinking occasions per month, they have fewer dangerous, intoxication occasions than their American counterparts. For example, in southern European nations ratios of all drinking occasions to intoxication occasions were quite low—roughly one in ten—while in the United States, almost half of all drinking occasions resulted in intoxication”. (Global Status Report). This shows that higher drinking age is not effective or safer than drinking age being at 18 years of age. According to the Choose responsibility, “laws governing alcohol use are usually culturally derived, there is substantial international variation in minimum legal drinking and purchase ages. Generally, a state’s drinking or purchase age—purchase age is more commonly legislated that drinking age—corresponds to the legal age of majority or the point at which an individual assumes adult roles in society”(Choose Responsibility). So, in American culture, where a person becomes adult at the age of 18 and is responsible for himself and is considered mature enough to take care of himself, should also be allowed to consume alcohol at the age of

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