
Essay On Asian American Population

Decent Essays

Asian American population is on the rise in the United States. This is do to the high birth rate that they are experiencing. In 2005 according to the Census bureau 12,868,845 was list under the category of Asian/ Pacific Islander This accounted for.4.4% of The US population. The migration of Asians into the United States can be divided into two distinct periods. The first group around the 1800’s with the Chinese being first. Later, The second group came around 1965 with them having a higher Socioeconomic status. The changes in immigrant laws kept most from coming into this country. These new Asian immigrants was more diverse in the nationality and culture. Asian american are known for the Model Minority Myth. Asian american has endured social, …show more content…

President Reagan even called them the Model Minority. Some Asian Americans family still live below the poverty line, and some are starting to drop out of school. SOme experts feel Asian family income is approaching that of whites because of there great academic achievement, but some how Asian Americans earning is less than whites. 2,300 compared to 3000.Asian American have a lower Median income than white American. Also there is a glass ceiling that only let about 2% of Asian American own fortune 500 companies. Andrea Jung is an exception she is the chief executive officer for Avon. One reason for the shortage in Asian CEO’s Explained by Asian book writer Jane Hyung is that most Asian was taught to respect authority, so in meetings they remain quite. This gives their white colleges a perception of them being arrogant, aloof, or inattentive. Most do good in their own business, but this does not help them in the income level bracket because some of these incomes are below …show more content…

It talks about how culture influence, and parents involvement has affected the African American culture academically.Blacks get accused of acting white when doing well in school, so the culture influence sometime make them choose not to do well in school. The blacks students believed it was cute to be dumb. African Americans with GPA of 4.0 was not as popular as whites students with GPA of 4.0 because making good grade is accepted among white peers. Slaves brought to the United State develop an oppositional social identity to the oppression of the dominant group even when it came to education where migrated to the U.S. are free from the oppositional social identity, and tend to do well in school. Most of the other minorities came to the U.S. for academic purposes because they believe this will.African American parent involvement is not like other minorities parent involvement. Asian kids do well academically because of parents involvement. Kids that do well academically get better job, so I believe this accounts for why Asians do well in the job world and they are respected more than most minorities. Some Asian children as desk at their home , and this help with better learning. Other Asian parents give their kids additional work books, and the other ones give

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