
Module 4 Assignment 1: The Affordable Care Act

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Module 4 Assignment 1

The Affordable Care Act

The affordable care act was signed into law by president Obama in the year 2010. The aim of the act is to ensure Americans get access to quality health care and at the same time, reform the health care system in order to manage costs. The act has different sections that explicitly explain how this aim would be realized. First, the act addresses major reforms to undertake in the health insurance sector to improve access to quality health care. The age of dependent coverage increased to 26 years, limits on annual benefits eliminated and challenges faced by those with preexisting medical conditions in getting a cover addressed. In addition, insurance documentation became uniform to allow for comparison (McClanahan, 2012). Thus, more Americans can access an insurance cover without increasing premiums. Eligibility for Medicaid expanded to groups like childless parents, all children and other parents not entitled to the Medicaid. To kick start this reform, the state would cover the whole cost for the non-eligible population for a period until they can cover the costs. Enrolment to the Medicaid made easy through websites and those who are disabled would get care in the community. Payment will be directly …show more content…

As stipulated in the act, even those with preexisting health conditions can now access the cover without any limits by the law (Whitman, 2015). Consequently, more than 16 million Americans who previously did not have the cover now have the cover. As a result, due to the large pool, insurance premiums paid are much lower. More Americans can now afford to go for checkups hence increasing the chances for early detection of critical health conditions. New illnesses that previously did not exist are now being discovered, especially in the states that the Medicaid expanded

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