
Essay on Monetary and Economic Policy in Latvia

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I. Currency war, also known as “competitive devaluation,” is an international situation in which countries challenge each other in achieving a low exchange rate for their currency.
Recently, the most prominent conflict has been that between China and the United States over valuating of the Yuan. This major focus is on China, due to fears that currency manipulation may result in currency wars, and China’s gathering of more than $3 trillion in foreign exchange reserves has evolved to the idea that it is purposely undervaluing the renminbi. As a result, the
U.S. and Europe have imposed trade sanctions against China for the reason that China failed to allow its currency to modify properly with the market forces. When several …show more content…

I. The possibility of a currency war means that the value of the currency increases and decreases according to market forces. Balance of payments is a brief of international transactions based on statistics. These transactions are the transferring of ownership of goods that have economic value measured in monetary terms between various nations. As a result of a possible currency war, the developed countries could be negatively impacted by continuous defective demand. Excess supply is stated by the decline in inflation. As currency devalues, or weakens, so do the exports; they become cheaper internationally, but we are still paying higher prices for imports. Now there is a need to produce and sell a much greater amount of exports to be able to earn as much foreign currency in order to benefit from a devaluating currency. A weaker dollar in the U.S. may benefit by increasing inflation. This is beneficial especially because a dollar that is weaker has less purchasing power since the Federal Reserve will attempt to divert the demand destroying effects which are brought on by deflation and decreasing prices. According to the
"Market Watch," from The Wall Street Journal, the Fed's response to lessening the balance of payments deficit is to depreciate the dollar. Some actions that can be taken by the U.S. to reduce deficits include increasing exports

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