
Parenthood Movie Essay

Decent Essays

In the movie Parenthood it is about just what you may think, family. In every one there are complications to maintaining a stable, happy home. There are times where you may think that you have lost control of your relationship and your own life. In this film, that is what it showcases. Reality. Life. Not everything is going to go the way you planned, thus causing you to think your whole world is coming down on you. The main points the director emphasized that caught my attention in this movie were adversity, denial and exhaustion. Adversity was greatly articulated throughout the duration of the film. In every scene, there seemed to be some difficulty, whether it was Gil quitting his job or when Nathan was so concentrated on his daughter Patty that his wife threatened to leave him. Gil was working to the bone to get promoted so that he may be able to provide more for his family, but fails and ends up quitting. Life will throw you a curveball and no matter how hard you try to hit it, the ball somehow manages to fly past you, just like in Gil’s situation. When Nathan was putting all of his attention on his daughter, he never realized that he was putting his relationship on the line by not recognizing the love Susan was laboring to give. Being hypnotized by one task blinds you into not realizing that what you have is good until you are at risk of losing it. This reminds me of my own parents; my dad would always be out working and whenever my mom tried to have a conversation

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