
Mozart Symphony No. 40

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Kendall Kaatz Dr. Galit Kaunitz Music Appreciation 1590-08 Due date: 9/30/14 Mozart Symphony No. 40 The piece that I decide to do was Mozart Symphony No. 40 because it seemed like it would have the most instruments, different dynamics and a different sound to it. There were a lot of instruments you could hear when you first listened to this piece. The first instruments that I heard right away were the violins, flutes, and oboes. As I kept listening I noticed the clarinets, bassoons, cello, viola, and the French horn. The instruments that seemed like they were the most important in this piece were the violins, because they started the piece and through-out the rest of the piece they were always there being the main part of this piece. The melody in the first movement opens with the violins and they are then accompany by the violas and the cello. As you keep listening you notice that French horn, clarinets, flutes, and oboes contribute to the harmony. The first movement is also in the key signature of G minor. As you move through the first movement you enter into the second section which is in a different key. The key signature of the second movement is in B flat major. The instruments that have the melody this time are the violins along with the clarinets and bassoons. The mood through-out the piece to me seemed to have a lightness and grace to it. During the piece I also realized that you pick up on a dark undertone. The dark undertone is in the harmony of the

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