
Mt450 Unit 8 Response To Two Students

Satisfactory Essays

MT450 UNIT 8 RESPONSES TO TWO STUDENTS Discussion 8-Topic 1 Hello class and professor, I agree with Tracy Amazon company offers great services always to its client and remains to be the place where most of the people do their shopping in. The company is open all the time for people to do their shopping and Amazon has everything that any customer wishes to buy at any business enterprise. The company also delivers door to door to its clients. Because of the busy schedules of most people who happen to be doing their part-time and full-time jobs at home and also schooling Amazon stands to be the best company to be shopping since they don’t need to leave their house to go for shopping. Again Amazon Company accepts returns of their goods recently bought by clients and ends up failing to operate within a short time after they are purchased from their premises (Winer & Dhar, 2011). The company has made the process to be simple in such a manner that the client only orders for the return of the goods through a request for the goods that have developed a problem. The company responds to the requests immediately and ship back new goods to the client who made the request. …show more content…

The customer service personnel should be in a position to acknowledge their clients and pay attention well to whatever they say and put into practice active listening. They should also give a chance to the customers to respond to the services the company offers perhaps through the enterprise’s website. For any company to prosper, good customer relation is paramount in building a loyal

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