
Musi Music

Decent Essays

Music is shared around the world on a daily basis. It is integrated into billions of lives and cultures, including my own. All around the world, many people are coming into contact with music. They may not know it, but music has impacted their lives the moment they first heard it.
When I was younger, I never thought much about music. I took music for granted; therefore, I had never thought much of my friends’ reactions as they listened to the cadence of the lyrics. They would be bobbing their heads, and moving their body to the rhythm of the song. All this time, music had been the result of their reactions. Music had the ability to change an insipid atmosphere to a lively party in a matter of seconds! All around the world, people are susceptible to the astounding acts that music may produce! …show more content…

The lyrics spoken can relate to a situation people may be going through, whether it may be good or bad. For instance, whenever I am melancholic, I tend to listen to sad songs. Listening to these songs makes me realize that I am not the only person who may be going through an ordeal. It gives me hope since it shows me that I am not alone. Furthermore, certain songs have a calming effect on people. Music helps people realize that everything is going to be ok. Not only are there sad songs, but there are also lively ones full of excitement. These I tend to hear at social events such as parties or a festival. Songs along this line tend to make one’s heart race faster, and their body begins to move smoothly with the beat. They suddenly feel the need to blurt out the lyrics no matter how horribly they may sing. Moreover, music acts like a concerned friend. It is always there for me to cry on its shoulder. No matter the circumstances music can neither anger nor leave someone. Music will always be there, not only for me, but for billions of

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