
My Passion Of Soccer

Decent Essays

Everyone has that certain thing that makes them who they are. That certain thing for me is soccer. It’s my hobby, my biggest interest, and my passion. Soccer isn’t just a sport for me, it’s my life. It has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. I have played the intriguing game of soccer since I was four years old, and I have loved it ever since.
I am known as a soccer player, which makes sense because it takes up most of my time, and that’s what I’m all about. I’ve been to Texas, Oklahoma, Iowa, Nebraska, and Missouri for soccer tournaments or games. Since the leagues in the Kansas City area are much more competitive, my family and I spend almost every weekend there due to games. I’ve spent countless hours at games and practices, as well as other workouts and fitness events to better myself as an individual player. I have had to miss other social events with my friends because of my dedication to soccer. I have even had to miss friday night football games because of prior soccer commitments, and I love friday night lights. There are mornings after games and tournaments when I wake up sore, with swollen, black and blue bruises from cleats or from collisions that happened during games, but I wouldn’t give up it up for anything.
Balancing soccer with all other aspects of my life gets a little challenging sometimes. From school with homework, to all of the extracurricular activities that I am involved in, I rarely ever have a free night. Between Link Crew,

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