
My Personal Code of Ethics Essay

Decent Essays

Preamble I, Rob Geis, commit myself to the code and values that I am about to describe. As a person I have vast life experiences that have affected who I am and what I believe in. As a Public Relations professional it seems that our industry is often under ridicule for being unethical and known as spin doctors. As an ethical student and person I consider these key values as guiding stones to my applied ethical choices. Family, friends, school and religion have all made me the person I am today and influence my ethical choices. When it comes to family I was raised to be respectful of my elders and those around me; however I was also taught to speak my mind when I did not agree. Growing up I met many people who were not allowed to say …show more content…

When it comes to authority figures I think my parents were trying to teach us to act with integrity and not let others think for us or tell us what to do. At first my family seemed to be deontological; when I was younger, I followed these rules because that is what I was taught to do. Today these values appear to be virtuous to me, I now do these things because it is something a good person would do and I prefer to be a good person. Friends were a big influence when I was younger. When I first started playing football I really grew as a person. I learned how to be a leader, how to take responsibility for my actions and the value of trust. For the first time in my life I had people who depended on me for success and guidance. When something went wrong, I had to take responsibility for my squad and learn to trust those around me. I also met some friends who I have come to trust more than family, more than my extended family, at least. The professors that I've had throughout the years changed the way my mind thinks. I have learned so much in undergrad that made me capable to attend Georgetown. Some differences in thinking include learning to think critically about many things and thinking outside the norm or most. At community college one professor introduced me into political philosophy; including Plato, Socrates and the founding fathers.

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