
My Philosophy On The Delivery Of Holistic Nursing Care

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For as long as I can remember I always had a desire to care for those in need, and I felt this ultimately led me to nursing as a career choice. I feel most rewarded when I am serving and caring for others, and my personal attitude is one that is centered on compassion and service. The term philosophy is said to be an analysis and concepts expressing fundamental beliefs. My philosophy of nursing includes the knowledge of medicine in combination with relational, compassionate care that respects the dignity of each patient. My philosophy focuses on the empowerment each patient in the delivery of holistic nursing care. This paper will explore the values I feel are necessary in relating to patients as well as health professionals, nursing …show more content…

Watson explains that environment dealing with caring and nursing exist in every society. A caring viewpoint is not transferred from generation to generation. The culture of the environment has an unusual technique of dealing. “Nursing is concerned with promoting health, preventing illness, caring for the sick and restoring health” (Jean Watson Nursing Theory, 2013). This mainly focuses on health promotion and treatment of disease. She believes in holistic health care which is the center of practice for nursing. One that identifies and integrates the principles of holistic healing into everyday life is consider being a holistic nurse. “Holistic nursing encourages nurses to integrate self-care, self-responsibility, spirituality, and reflection in their lives” (Klebanoff, 2013). She defines nursing as “a human science of persons and human health-illness experiences that are mediated by professional, personal, scientific, esthetic and ethical human transactions” (Jean Watson Nursing Theory, 2013). In Watson 's model, “she makes seven assumptions that caring can be effectively demonstrated and practiced only interpersonally” (Jean Watson Nursing Theory, 2013). The assumption consists of Carative factors that result in the satisfaction of human needs and effective care that stimulates health individuallyor family growth. Caring for patient helps the growth of the

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