
My Sexuality Research Paper

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Sexuality Paper All my life I struggled with my sexuality; not knowing what was sexy or when being sexy cross the line to being considered promiscuous. My thoughts, feelings, and attitude about my sexuality all stemmed from not knowing or being comfortable with who I am as a woman. Throughout my marriage, I have struggle with sexuality as a wife and even as mother. I am learning that there is more to sexuality than just putting on a nice dress and nightgown. Sensuality Skin Hunger and Touch I learned in class that the skin is the larger human organ we have. The skin protects us from microbes and the elements, helps regulate body temperature, and permits the sensations of touch, heat, and cold. Touching is one of ways a child bonds with their parents and they beginnings to know if they are liked or disliked. …show more content…

He always reassured me that I was his number one daughter. So, I never questioned if my father loved me. However, my mother never really kissed, hugged, and complimented me as a child. I always questioned if she loved me or even wanted me because she was never really affectionate. I later learned she only treated me the way she knew how. Her mother had died when she was 8 years old and she does not know her father at all. She had been raised by a family friend. Although they took very good care of her, they barely ever hugged, kissed or gave her compliments. It was not until I spoke with her about her lack of affection towards me did she realize how I felt. She now makes sure she hugs, kisses, and compliments me and my children. I believe my desire for touch or sometimes lack there stem from my

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