
My Shadowing Experience

Decent Essays

These shadowing experiences have been very insightful. Scheduling my shadowing experiences proved to be a bit of a challenge. Within the state of Maryland, public school students in third through eighth grade take the annual PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) assessment. The PARCC Assessment consists of reading and mathematics sections. The assessment for each grade level consists of at least 7 units. Typically one day is designated for each unit. Thus, while planning these shadowing experiences, I ensured that I did not visit on a testing day.
For this experience, I chose to visit an elementary school and its feeder middle school. I chose this because students leave this elementary school with a high rate of student achievement, yet in middle school the scores plummet. I wanted to investigate how this gap could be minimized. Comparing philosophies, expectations and leadership styles for schools within the same community was also a goal.
My first shadowing experience was on April 6, 2017 in a Prince Gorges County Public School middle school facility. As I entered the building, I was greeted by a young man (a student) holding the door for me. “How polite” I thought to myself. He then directed me to the office. Once in the office, I was greeted by the secretary and asked to wait patiently because they were extremely busy. Even though the front office was busy, everyone was welcoming, friendly yet efficient.
Once the

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