

Decent Essays

Who are the Nacirema and how shall they be defined? The dictionary defines an Anthropologist as a person that studies human beings and their ancestors through time and space and in relation to physical character, environmental and social relations, and culture (Webster 2011). I am not claiming to be an Anthropologist however, from my viewpoint, I am not sure if I am capable of grasping my mind around the concept that “the body is ugly and that its natural tendency is to debility and disease” explained, (“Horace Miner”, 2005). Unfortunately, the Nacirema people believe that this statement is true based on their culture and their belief system. The Nacirema has a rich and an untraceable culture and practice of ritual system that is …show more content…

In Jones findings, “the ancestral spirit, therefore, is above all and it is just a symbol” (“Myth & Symbol…” 1980). My question is, where was Miner getting his information and during that time what was he trying to prove?
Needless to say, we are all creatures that will go through an evolutionary process. Furthermore, with internet moving with the speed of light, we shall all discover new cultures and advancements that will promote behavior changes, new cultural awareness as well as similarities. My question is, was this difficult for Miner to accept?
In conclusion I would like to point out that, Ellin (2008) explained that when Horace Miner in 1956, was using hyperbole as well as rhetorical misreading to defamiliarized his own culture in this essay Body ritual among the Nacirema. “Nacirema is American spelled backwards”. He exposed an obsession with the body that contributed to masochistic tendencies including annual visit to ‘holy men (dentist); and weekly head-baking by women (using hair dryers); lacerating the face with sharp instrument by men (shaving); and he discusses the ritual fast to make fat people thin” (“Life support: Nacirema redux”). Through this entire scenario, my perspective is that Miner was not prepared for change, growth nor evolution. * Works Cited
Dimsdale, J. E. (2001). The Nacirema Revisited. Annals Of

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