
Negotiation Simulation Analysis

Better Essays

Negotiation is mutual decision-making process that individuals undertake when they cannot achieve their objectives single-handedly. It can be defined as a process to exchange some objects or ideas between two or more parties with the intent of making benefits for all parties (Yadav, Kohli, & Kumar, 2016). During our Negotiation Simulation week we have participated in four negotiations. All negotiations were different in nature and content. In first week of our negotiation we performed as Japanese students who had to buy second hand car from an Australian dealer. It was a collaborative or collective form of negotiation as we all were agreed on everything and there was no specific point to argue upon anything and we cracked the deal from them at a selling price of $13000 with a down payment amount of $4500. Collective bargaining happens when two or more parties consisting of groups of people act collectively. The purpose is an agreement on issues that concern the group as a whole (Pienaar & Spoelstra, 1999). Our second negotiation simulation was about a book deal, where my group was a publisher named Best Books Ltd and our opposite group performed as Jamie Oliver, the writer of the book. Here we discussed about the royalties, number of copies to be published, number of countries where book will be launched, promotional activities, profit margin, copyrights etc. At the end deal was done because …show more content…

In week one I was not aware about any of the things because I never participated in such kind of activities. I was not much involved in the negotiation process. I also noticed that I was lacking in confidence to speak. But week by week I improved a lot. I gained my confidence, I showed involvement in group discussions, I worked in a team, put forward my view points while negotiating with the other team. I also am able to build positive relationship with people from other cultures by communicating with

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