
Nervosa Family Therapy

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Family Based Therapy: An Effective Treatment for Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia nervosa, otherwise stated as anorexia, is an eating disorder that occurs when an individual restricts themselves from necessary energy intake which leads to significantly low body weight. Other characteristics of this disorder include: intense fear of becoming fat or gaining weight, persistent behavior that interferes with weight gain, and disturbances of perception and experience of their own body weight and shape (DSM V, 2013). Effective treatments are still trying to be researched for this disorder, as there is not a “one size fits all” for people of all age groups, living situations, etc. Since adolescents with anorexia are such a vulnerable population, …show more content…

Up until 2004, there was virtually no clinical trials to prove that families should be incorporated in the treatment process. Krautter and Lock (2004), disproved all of the critics to show that family based therapy worked in a clinical trial on an adolescent girl with anorexia. Family Based Therapy works in three steps, otherwise known as the Maudsley Approach. In the clinical trial, the first step for the therapy is to ensure the patient will not die from starvation, hypothermia, or heart problems. The therapist helps the parents learn tactics on how to get their children to eat more at the dinner table, but still being gentle and caring by letting their child know it is not their fault for their eating disorder. The second step in the therapy involves more freedom given to the child because they are not in a life-threatening situation anymore (if they have gained weight), but the parents still press eating meals along with this freedom. The third step helps the adolescent find their identity and how they will organize their life with their parents being involved. These three steps in Family Based Therapy were shown to be effective in a clinical …show more content…

Lock, who studied and advocated for FBT, decided to gather all the randomized clinical trials that have been performed on adolescents and analyze their results. He looked at 5 randomized clinical trials for adolescents, and found that FBT was the most effective than any other form of treatment along each trial (2005). His discussion on Individual Based Therapy versus Family Based Therapy was similar to Robin et al. (1999). Upon looking at Robin’s results, he agreed that FBT was more effective but not by much. Even though the benefits of FBT were seen on a small margin compared to Individual Based Therapy, Lock (2005) states that FBT is a convincing treatment overall. In other words, he claims this type of treatment is all that is available right now, even if it may not be 100%

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