
New Deal Dbq

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In an era known as the darkest time in U.S history the American people of the 1930’s needed something to remedy their failing economy and the dubbed “New Deal” was the answer.
After president Hoover’s failed attempts to fix the problem It was up to FDR to take a more hands on approach with the New Deal. FDR’s New Deal was a successful way of handling the depression which provided the nation with some relief by directly helping the needy, accelerating the economy’s healing cycle and restoring the faith and confidence of the American people. When millions of americans had lost their jobs/ money something needed to be done. At Its height the Great depression caused 15 million able bodied american to become jobless (document A: was the New deal a success) and the new deal put many on them back on the workforce. The WPA( Works Progress Administration), NYA(National Youth administration) and the CCC (civilian conservation corps) employed many americans by having them build up the nation’s infrastructure: highways, parks, etc. , although the government had to borrow money to pay for these massive projects, it gave jobs to millions of americans. In addition the new deal aided the unemployed and the elderly by establishing the Social security act which was an unemployment insurance …show more content…

This caused millions of americans to lose their life's savings as well as build up a distrust of bank in the future. The New Deal established the emergency Banking bill which closed down banks for a while to give them some time to recover. In addition to the banking bill the FDIC( Federal Deposit insurance Corporation) insured banks for up to 5000 dollars this greatly benefited both the banks and the people since it added a safety net for the bank which by association helps the Americans who use them because they are less likely to fail. This improved the low morale of the people during the

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