
Nic Nick Sabin As A Head Football Coach

Satisfactory Essays

A coach of any kink is important for any team to run and function in an appropriate manner. They keep the team in good condition, ready for the next task, and how to have an open mind about anything that comes their way. Coaches need to be flexible and be able to move things around as things and people change daily. Coaches are leaders and have the potential to inspire many people they come in contact with. With the right coach people and teams can get many things accomplished in a fast and appropriate manner. This is a skill many employers look for.
I have chosen to use Nick Sabin. For those of you who do not know who he is he is the head football coach for The University of Alabama. They have just won another national championship. I have been fan since I can remember and when my grandmother passed away I received all her Alabama memorabilia. He is a respected coach by many people, players, as well as fans. …show more content…

He has the position of power and uses it but, not to the extent it is too forceful. He gets to know his team and the families and understands their needs and ambitions. He also is able to “to be able to listen, provide feedback, give instructions or convey information, and participate in both one-on-one and group discussions. This reinforces teamwork and defuses conflict, they need to be able to withhold judgment, acknowledge one another’s contributions, deal fairly with problems, and display openness.” This gives him the upper hand in coaching on and off the field. That same experience Mr. Sabin demonstrates on football field many coaches in the office do the same thing every day with their

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