
Nordstrom 's A Fashion Bazaar

Decent Essays

Many people know that Nordstrom 's is a fashion bazaar. What multitudinous amounts of people do not grasp is that Nordstrom 's positioned itself as a retailer of high end clothing and extravagant goods. This is how Nordstrom 's distinguished itself from other retailers. Numerous people associate Nordstrom’s with other ubiquitous department stores, such as Macy 's and JC Penney. Interestingly, these stores are not Nordstroms ' predominant competitors. Because Nordstrom 's caters to a more expensive partiality, its main competitors include upscale department stores such as Bloomingdale 's and Saks Fifth Avenue. Within Nordstrom’s marketing strategy, the emporium must strategize ways to discern itself from both the mid-scale department stores as well as the high-end ones. Nordstrom’s is able to accomplish this through its determination of which products to vend, its customer service policies, and the schematics of typical Nordstrom 's store design. Nordstrom’s product selection is probably the store’s most effective method of distinguishing itself from its competitors. The comprehensive categories of goods which the store supplies offers the initial disparateness from most other retailers in the market. Many stores offer a specific category of goods, such as food with grocery stores. Other retailers, such as Target or Walmart, offer a wide variety goods. Nordstrom’s has established itself as a retailer of clothing, shoes, and accessories. This over-all summation of the store

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