
Normal Distribution and Points

Decent Essays

1. A formal statement that there is an absence of relationship between variables when tested by a researcher is called: (Points : 1) | Null hypothesis Type I error Type II error Negative interval |

2. Bivariate statistics refers to the statistical analysis of the relationship between two variables. (Points : 1) | True False |

3. Positive relationships between two variables indicate that, as the score of one increases, the score of the other increases. (Points : 1) | True False |

4. A result that is probably not attributable to chance is: (Points : 1) | Type I error Type II error Statistical significance In the …show more content…

Not all variables retained in a regression model are required to be significant. (Points : 1) | True False |

22. Parametric tests can be used with any type of data. (Points : 1) | True False |

23. This term refers to how data spreads out or disperses within a distribution. (Points : 1) | Variability Critical region Range Mode |

24. Relevant data that are expressed in numerical form are called: (Points : 1) | Qualitative data Quantitative data Standard data Multiplicative data |

25. It is not necessary to look at the frequency distribution if the mean, median, and mode are known. (Points : 1) | True False |

26. Causation is synonymous with association. (Points : 1) | True False |

27. The area of the theoretical distribution where the researcher will reject the null hypothesis is called: (Points : 1) | +/- 1 standard deviation Semi-quartile range Critical region Standard deviation |

28. The arithmetic average of the data is called the: (Points : 1) | Mean Median Mode Variability |

29. Regression uses the least squares method to fit a model. (Points : 1) | True False |

30. The difference between the highest and lowest score in a distribution is called: (Points : 1) |

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